17.04.2008 |
Released 2.6 - Changes:
- added support for WSW (Warsow) (thanks mcrandello)
- fixed BF2 server query
- added Q4 (Quake 4) support (mcrandello)
- added COD4 query type for convenience (already supported as it
the same as COD2 query)
- added getFullResponse() to ServerInfo to return the actual
from the details query. This can then be parsed as wanted.
14.11.2005 |
Released v2.5 - Changes:
- added support for NEX (Nexuiz) (thanks mcrandello)
- added COD2 (Call of Duty 2) info - uses COD query
- added MOH (Medal of Honor) info - uses UT query
28.09.2005 |
Released v2.4 - Changes:
- added support for AA (Americas Army)
- fixed HL player query
29.06.2005 |
Released v2.3 - Changes:
- BF2 player query receives multiple packets now
- UT2003 and UT2004 support fixed plus code UTK3 and UTK4 added
(thanks xkr47)
- added getSupportedGame() method that returns a HashMap of the
codes and names of the games supported
11.06.2005 |
Released v2.2 - Changes:
- Halflife Source (HL2) added
- BF2 support added
- Never Winter Nights server query added (player query not
- Halflife (original) query updated
- A couple of minor bugs fixed.
01.06.2005 |
joins the project
08.08.2004 |
Released v2.0 |
20.06.2004 |
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Apache Forrest